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Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

Welcome to our Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home !!!

Are you serious about building a solid six pack of muscle to adorn your waist? Or do you just want to learn all the top secrets, and do nothing with them? If either one of these two possibly interests you, then you are definitely on the right page !!!

Abdominals are one of the most talked about muscle groups in the human body. Almost everyone wishes they had an attractive six pack of lean muscle. A taut and tight midsection that’s impressive… and totally eye-catching.

Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

The abs are so often considered to be among the ‘sexiest’ muscle groups. They are a sign that a person is slim, toned and very athletic. And at the same time, having an awesome set of abdominals gives you strength.

They also give you performance benefits that can bleed into every other aspect of your physical ability.

That’s because a solid set of washboard abs provide your core. And they give you the strength to stabilize yourself during other athletic movements.

But the problem is that so many people have no real idea how to go about building their abdominal muscles. Many are completely in the dark about how to build a six pack?

They don’t know what exercises to use at home, to properly train the abdominal muscles?

Many people also have no idea about good nutrition. They also have no clue about what foods to eat to help them build muscle. Or to help them to lose weight during the fat-burning process.

Because there will be a fat burning process that most people will have to go through, if they do want to see their abs. I’m saying that because it is the truth. Most people have a good layer of subcutaneous fat covering their bodies. And their abs.

So with all that being said, please read on. And we will explore more about what makes the difference between a six pack of muscle and a beer belly?

Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

1. Reduce Your Body Fat Count Or Level

The first thing to recognize here is that you need to reduce your overall subcutaneous body fat percentage if you truly want to have visible abdominal muscles. You can have the strongest abs possible, but if you don’t have that low bodyfat percentage needed, then those muscles won’t be visible to you, or anybody else.

To be able to see your six pack abdominals, and the obliques in all their glory, shall we say, you will need to get to a low level of subcutaneous fat. This is the layer of bodyfat that you see when you look in the mirror.

Elite or trained fitness athletes have low subcutaneous bodyfat levels. This is a result of fitness training and following a consistent healthy diet, and having a high positive mindset.

Image by Micky Dunn from Pixabay

And as a result of all this, their physiques are more highly toned. Their muscles are burning up bodyfat as an energy source. They have a low subcutaneous bodyfat level. And their abs are toned and in shape.

Take bodybuilder’s in contest shape, for instance. They have a much lower bodyfat percentage likely in the 3 to 5 percent range. Which is really low. That’s what they call a “Ripped To Shreds” body condition.

But in the off-season a bodybuilder is carrying more bodyfat, and more weight. The bodyfat percentage is in the range of 10-15 percent or even more than that. It depends on what stage that particular bodybuilder is in the off-season?

Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

Low Bodyfat Percentage For Six Pack Abs?

To achieve your six pack abs will require precise training on your part. Using exercises effectively that target the abs from different angles. If you didn’t know that… you do now!!!

We will reveal to you the best of those abdominal exercises below. You can do all of them in the comfort of your home. Or you can pick and choose which exercises are for you.

But you will still need to have a lower bodyfat percentage, if you really want to be able to see your six pack abs. You do want to see the results of your abdominal workouts, don’t you? Of course you do.

After all, you work hard to build your abs… so you surely don’t want to hide them?

So now.. let’s take a look at safe and healthy bodyfat percentages needed for both males and females who are eager to attain six pack abs.

Male Bodyfat Percentage 

Building a six pack of muscle is easier to achieve than trying to attain the low 5 to 9 percent bodyfat level needed to really show them off. To achieve this low percentage level is difficult to get to for many, and is not particularly healthy for the body to maintain.

Attaining this low bodyfat percentage puts you in the elite athlete category, shall we say.

But only for a short period of time is this possible to achieve. The body does not function properly, or in a healthy way, at this low bodyfat level.

You are likely to experience tiredness and mood swings on and off, because of the low calories and carbs you are eating daily, to get to this point. Dehydration, muscle loss and damage to your bodies nervous system is real at this stage.

But bringing your bodyfat percentage down to 10 to 15 percent is a healthier option. This is ideally where you want to be as a male training to build six pack abs !!!

For a man to be able to build his abdominals and obliques, and reveal them, he will need to follow a precise training plan and eat nutritiously.

Following such a plan and committing to it is more likely to lead to positive results.

Exercises will build your six pack abs, and surrounding musculature. And eating highly nutritious food, and quality protein daily will feed your body, and results will come.

As you build muscle and tone up, your physique will burn more calories at rest. This is good and will enable you to get down to that low bodyfat percentage. The bodies metabolic rate is fired up after exercise. And muscle and cell repair takes place.

But you will need to consume sufficient calories and protein daily to repair muscle and recover from the training.

Female Bodyfat Percentage 

If you are a female looking to reduce your overall bodyfat percentage, then there is a safe level to aim for when building six pack abs. Getting down to 5 to 9 percent is not easy, and not recommended for a female.

Your abdominals will certainly be on show at this low level of bodyfat. But it’s not healthy to be at this low percentage level for a female. It’s not easy to get to this point and not easy to maintain.

As a female you do not want to compromise your health by trying to go extreme. If you are looking at a low level of bodyfat for abs 10 to 15 percent is a good target point for you.

At this level you are very athletic, showing great definition and in good health, which is important for wellbeing. If you have been training your abs leading up to this point, your results will certainly be visible to you. Your abs and muscle definition will be on show.

Aiming for 15 to 20 percent bodyfat for a female exercising to build a six pack, you will still be athletic and in shape. Carrying little bodyfat, so your abs are visible to you and muscle definition is there. Particularly in the obliques and upper abs etc.

Training the abs with a variety of exercises that are targeted to that area is one thing. But to be able to see your abs you will need to follow a healthy diet or meal plan, and stay committed for results to come. And they will for those who commit.

And that applies to both males and females, when targeting or trying to build six pack abs.

Please Note: You Can’t Target Fat Loss !!!

This means that one of the most important keys to building a visible set of ab muscles is to make sure that you incorporate cardiovascular workouts, in order to burn body fat.

These essential cardio workouts are enjoyable. We know that because there are thousands of people already doing them religiously. They are used successfully to get the body into a positive, fat-burning state.

2. Engage The Abdominals In Exercise

Another thing to recognize is that you need to actually engage your abs during exercise. Many people will perform ab exercises but won’t actually be training their abs so much as their hips.

The hip flexors can perform a very similar job to the abs by folding the body in half but of course they don’t have quite the same visual appeal (if you ask most people).

Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

So in short, if you are performing sit ups and leg raises so that your body folds at the waist, then it’s not training the abs. Instead, you need to actually roll the abs and curl your stomach round through the movements.

The Different Abdominal Muscles

Making life more confusing is the fact that you actually have multiple different muscles in the mid section. The ‘abs’ as many of us think about them (the six pack) are defined by your rectus abdominis.

The muscle plate that sits on the front of your stomach and has the six indentations we all want to achieve.

Meanwhile though, you also have the transverse abdominis. The purpose of this muscle is to provide essential support for the lower spine and also to ‘hold in’ the stomach. Training this muscle is not only important for your performance, it also helps you to create flatter abs.

Ultimate Guide To Six Pack Abs At Home

Myotatic Crunch Abdominal Exercise

You can hit this muscle by using the myotatic crunch (a crunch performed over a bosu ball so that your back goes past flat) or by using the ‘cat vomit’ exercise that involves sucking your abs in while on all fours to create an ‘ab vacuum’.

Finally, you have the obliques. These sit on either side of the rectus abdominis and give you more definition here as well as the ability to torque. Train them using twisting sit ups and similar movements.


7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast

7 Steps To Losing Weight Fast

In this post we reveal the 7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast?

Read more below to find out what they are, and how they can help you to shed weight?

We have listed here for you 7 ways that you should concentrate on, if losing weight fast in 2021 is your ultimate goal? These are 7 easy to follow steps. And they will help concentrate your mind, and concentrate your efforts to finally shed those unwanted pounds.

We believe that following a plan like this, as we have listed below, will help you to stay focused. As you begin to drop the excess calories you eat, each passing day.

7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Because the best way to lose weight is to consume less calories each day.

Drop the calories until you reach your desired weight or your ideal weight for your height.

And that’s without taking exercise into account here. Sure, you could continue to overeat calories each day, and exercise like a demon to force your body into weight-loss? But that is going to be a recipe for burnout.

Simply because you will have to recover from all that exercise. It’s a hard road to travel, doing weight loss that way. We have a more successful and easier way to get awesome results for you… if you just stick to the plan below.

First thing we suggest for anyone about to start a weight loss plan, or looking to lose weight fast, is to see or tell your doctor first. Do this if you haven’t had a health check up in a while, and if you are older in age or generally unfit etc.

Once you have informed your doctor about your weight-loss plans, consider following what we have laid out for you below. And follow at a pace that you are comfortable with, each day.

7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast?

1. Keep A Diary Of What You Eat.

As you will be embarking on a journey that leads to fast weight loss, it will be a very good idea for you to keep a record day to day. Of all your activities related to this period in your life.

Keeping a close eye on your daily calories will ultimately determine if you truly win at this game. With no cheating involved we want you to jot down what you eat per day. And stay within, or below your daily calorie limit.

Go over this calorie limit and it becomes a vicious circle for anyone eager to lose weight fast. But it won’t be for you, if you use a diary to record your calories eaten per day.

Just jot down what you eat and drink on a daily basis. Because using this method will also enable you to plan out healthy meals and drinks, for the days ahead etc. Simple…

2. Cut Back On Unhealthy Fats.

Reduce by half the amount of unhealthy fats that you might be using to either cook or prepare your meals. If you are used to spreading the butter on your toast or bagels etc then a good idea will be to spread less here and take in less calories.

Cut back on adding excess butter and oils to potatoes and other vegetables during cooking. This is where a lot of unwanted calories can be discarded in the preparation of meals.

Use less or cut back on mayonnaise or sauces added to salads etc. These add excess calories and sugars to your diet. And over time will cause weight gain problems for you.

Simply as a result of crazy insulin spikes as the body tries to take control of the sugar entering your system when you eat.

Healthy oil choices are rapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil etc. All these contain similar calorie amounts and are great for long term health benefits. But use sparingly when cooking. Remember everything in moderation !!!

7 Essential Steps To Losing Weight Fast

3. Limit Your Daily Sugar & Sodium Intake

This is a requirement in order to lose weight fast. Because the human body takes in sugars from a multitude of different food groups and choices.

Breakfast cereals that are not healthy for you are loaded with too much sugar and even the sodium level will be fairly high. This is not a good breakfast choice for anyone aiming to lose weight quickly.

The high amount of sugar and sodium in unhealthy breakfast cereals will cause high insulin spikes. And all those sugar and sodium calories have to go somewhere, don’t they?

They will settle around your waste, hips and thighs as fat cells.

The best cereal choices are porridge oats and oat bran products. Healthy Muesli products that are not loaded with excess sugar and sodium. There are healthy choices of breakfast cereals that you can purchase in your local supermarket.

Read the product label for a full list of the ingredients and look for any with added sugar and sodium amounts. Go for healthier cereal brands and products.

Cutting back on unhealthy breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes and confectionery products like chocolate bars and sweets will save you a ton in unwanted calories. These food groups contain the lion share of sugar and sodium calories.

And they are responsible for some of the highest insulin spikes within the human body.

Sugars here are quickly absorbed into the system, causing insulin levels to spike because the body has to get control of all that sugar, and get it used up as an energy source.

The trouble is your body wont be able to use up large amounts of sugar and sodium calories digested from these bad foods as quickly as you eat them.

Your body only needs small amounts of insulin release daily to do essential functions. Not huge insulin spikes from consuming high calorie foods.

The more insulin your pancreas releases during mealtimes the greater the chance of you gaining weight from fat storage.

One of the keys to effective weight loss is a reduction in insulin spikes during mealtimes.

The secret here is to cut back on adding excess sugar, and consuming products that are sugar loaded. Such as cookies, cakes, biscuits, ice-cream, desserts and pastries. Do this one thing successfully, and watch the weight drop off you, in no time. It’s that quick !!!

7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast

4. Eat More Healthy Protein

If you are not already, then start by having lower fat sources of quality protein with your meals. Protein is an essential requirement for a healthy body and mind. It’s important to have the recommended amount of protein each day, for continued healthy and vitality.

Protein is going to play such an important part in your overall plan, to lose weight fast. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of protein to satisfy your hunger pangs. Don’t go below your daily recommended protein amounts.

The recommended daily amount for a woman is about 46 grams per day and a man is slightly higher at 56 grams per day. These amounts may seem tiny at first. And there is an ongoing debate at what the real figure is.

7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast
Image by cattalin from Pixabay

But there is no doubt about protein’s ability to help you in your fight to lose weight fast, and keep it off. Protein is king. Protein will help you to feel fuller for longer, as you start to drop the unwanted calories around your waist, hips and thighs.

Healthy protein choices are all types of fish such as wild Alaska salmon, trout, tuna. Sardines, herring, mackerel, flounder and haddock to name a few more.

Omega-3’s are essential for health and fish are very good sources of these fats.

Eggs are a top quality animal protein source. Also providing essential vitamins and minerals to. Chicken and Turkey are great sources of high quality, low fat protein.

All types of nuts and grains are good sources of protein, essential nutrients and healthy fats.

Yogurt and low fat milk are also great sources of protein to.

As are red meat choices such as beef, lamb, pork, veal, venison and ham. 

Assorted vegetables, beans and pulses like broccoli, carrots, peppers, chickpeas, soybeans and lentils are great sources of nutrients, fiber and protein. Use them to prepare delicious, tasty meals to help with your weight loss plans.

7 Healthy Steps To Losing Weight Fast

5. Eat More Healthy Viscous Fiber

Increasing your fiber intake is a surefire way to help you to lose weight. But you need to consume more of a particular type of fiber to make that happen?

You also need to introduce more healthy fiber into your diet gradually over a period of time.

Don’t rush this because your system needs to get used to this extra fiber you are eating if this is all new to you.

If you are eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily then you are getting good fiber in your diet. Simply by eating healthy breakfast cereals regularly you are also eating a mix of fibers.

And if you are also consuming nuts, raisins and wholesome grains regularly you are again having your share of fiber. That’s good news for you and your wellbeing.

But you still may not be eating enough of a certain type of fiber that helps to reduce or suppress your daily appetite? And do it in a way that is 100% healthy for you.

Are you consuming enough Viscous Fiber in your diet?

What Is Viscous Fiber? 

Viscous fiber is a soluble form of fiber. Sourced only in plant foods. Wholesome plant food sources such as Asparagus, beans, brussel sprouts, avocados, lentils, flax seeds, oatmeal, broccoli, chia seeds, quinoa, raspberries, chick peas, blackberries, pears and almonds etc.

  1. Asparagus – Packed with nutritional value and low in calories
  2. Beans – Peas, chick peas, lentils, kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, haricot beans
  3. Brussel Sprouts – High in fiber, vitamin C and K and low in calories
  4. Avocados – A fruit that’s loaded with vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids
  5. Lentils – Packed with nutrition and fiber… superb ingredient for weight loss
  6. Flax Seeds – Loaded with nutrients, protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids
  7. Oatmeal – A nutrient dense food… rich in carbs, fiber and higher in protein
  8. Broccoli – High in nutrients, fiber, vitamin C and K, iron, potassium and protein
  9. Chia Seeds – Very nutrient dense black seed, low calorie, fiber and protein rich
  10. Quinoa – High in nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals, protein and fiber
  11. Raspberries – Packed with nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber
  12. Chick Peas – High in nutritional value, vitamins, protein and fiber
  13. Blackberries – High in vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, low in calorie and carbs
  14. Pears – Highly nutritious fruit, source of fibers, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals
  15. Almonds – Nutrient dense, packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats and antioxidants

7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast

The ultimate benefit of increasing the amount of Viscous Fiber in your diet is the ability for you to reduce your food cravings in between meals. Preventing you from overeating and gaining excess pounds around your waistline.

More Viscous Fiber in your meals will also help you to lose the weight you are trying to shed more effectively, by suppressing your daily appetite for large amounts of the wrong calories you are eating.

Such as excess sugars and sodium found in ready meals, unhealthy breakfast products, cakes, biscuits and sweets, as we touched on earlier.

Ready meals are quick, but they only have very limited nutritional value for you. Compared to cooking a meal with fresh vegetables and other ingredients, there is no comparison.

Preparing a meal in the kitchen at home using healthy fresh ingredients is a great way to improve the amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, healthy protein and fiber that you eat on a daily basis.

All of these essential nutrients combined, in meals you eat each day, working for you will have a more positive effect for you. As you aim to lose those unhealthy bodyweight inches around your waist and hips.

6. Drink Water Before Meals 

Drinking a glass of water about 30 minutes before mealtimes is a great way to minimize the total calorie amount consumed during a meal. The action of drinking water helps dieters to cut back on calories and therefore helps in the weight loss process.

7 key steps to losing weight fast
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

The more hydrated you are the better the body works in general. You are more successful at losing weight and burning off body fat when the body is hydrated. Water plays a very clever part in this process.

By drinking some water before a meal and during it will play a beneficial role for you as you embark on a program of weight loss.

Don’t discount the benefits of drinking more water and the role it plays in your health and overall wellbeing.

7 Key Steps To Losing Weight Fast

7. Mindset 

Weight loss and the process of trying to lose weight successfully is a minefield for many people worldwide. There is so much information out there that’s freely available. And there is a lot of mis-information and scams surrounding the weight loss industry.

But the process of actually losing weight really is a simple one when you get down to it. All you have to do is consume less calories than what you really need, on a per day basis.

To be successful with weight loss in the long term, if you have failed up to now, will require you to maintain a positive mindset.

It will carry you forward as you begin to lose weight in the day’s and weeks ahead. Once you begin to see the excess pounds melt away, your outlook becomes more positive.

And that’s great news for you as you pursue weight loss. You will encounter day’s when you are successfully losing weight… and day’s when not much happens at all.

It’s those unsuccessful moments when positivity counts… and so will your MINDSET !!!


  1. More about good and bad fats, cholesterol…
  2. More information about Viscous Fiber and sources…
  3. Health benefits of drinking water each day…